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Beratung, Umsetzung und Begleitung von Auswanderern in die USA
Kundenbewertungen in Testimonials

"Couldn't have been any better. Competent service and personal coaching. Stay in touch."


Testimonial von Jeff

"Thank you both for putting up with all my silly questions, I have shipped vehicles before and it was nowhere near this easy. Have a great weekend!"


Testimonial von Katja und Marcel

"Thank you so much for the fantastic support. Super consulting in a fun atmosphere. Business plan was easy-peasy developed and implemented. We wouldn’t have found an apartment as fast as we did without you.”

Katja and Marcel

„Großartige Hilfestellung bei allen Dingen des persönlichen Lebens. Unterstützung bis ins kleinste Detail. Klasse!”

Gitte und Stefan

"Thank you so much for the fantastic support. Super consulting in a fun atmosphere. Business plan was easy-peasy developed and implemented. We wouldn’t have found an apartment as fast as we did without you.”

Katja and Marcel

"Great experience. Competent support with all things that come with emigration: Visa, Car, Apartment, authority visits…. you made everything easy. ”

Malu and Torben

Testimonial von Malu und Torben

"What a great support in all categories. All suggestions and ideas were right. We feel home here because of you. "

Angela and Michael

Testimonial von Angela und Michael

„Aus einer langen Reise ist ein langer Umzug geworden. Zum Glück hat mir Chris geholfen, nie die Übersicht zu verlieren.


"The whole team is excited. Never got any visas as fast as through BCS."


Testimonial von Gitte und Stefan

"Excellent support every step of the way. To the smallest detail. Awesome."

Gitte and Stefan

"Couldn't have been any better. Competent service and personal coaching. Stay in touch."


Testimonial von Dirk

"Thank you both for putting up with all my silly questions, I have shipped vehicles before and it was nowhere near this easy. Have a great weekend!"


"What a great support in all categories. All suggestions and ideas were right. We feel home here because of you. "

Angela and Michael

"A long journey turned into a stay. Chris helped me never to lose track."


Testimonial von Bea
Testimonial von Frank

"The whole team is excited. Never got any visas as fast as through BCS."


„Tolle Erfahrung. Super kompetente Unterstützung bei allen Punkten der Auswanderung: Visa, Auto, Wohnung, Behördengänge... alles ein Kinderspiel.”

Malu und Torben

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